From the news this morning, I heard Herschel Walker call every woman of Georgia a cow. Walker was on the stage with Cotton from Arkansas and Scott from Florida. They were representing the Republican National Party and did not interrupt or stop Herschel’s cow story. So I assume they ratified calling every woman in Georgia a cow. Thereupon, I presume that all Republicans think the women of Georgia are cows.

That’s not very nice.

Herschel told a story, obviously a metaphor, about himself and the women of Georgia. A bull looks over a fence at three cows in a field, but also notices three cows up the hill. Like any cow can jump over the moon, the bull jumps and clears the fence. He goes up the hill, gets closer, and realizes the three cows are three bulls

This story is dreamlike, not sourced from the Bible but from life. If Herschel is having dreams where cows are bulls, how sexually conflicted is Herschel? At a quarter mile I can tell a woman from a man. At the same distance I assume bulls can tell cows from bulls.

There is another explanation. The bulls on the hill are hiding their cows from Herschel, but he goes up anyway.


Sammy Alito’s draft opinion to overrule Roe vs. Wade argues, “The Constitution makes no reference to abortion, and no such right is implicitly protected by any constitutional provision including the one on which defenders of Roe…now chiefly rely – the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.”

God help us! And God Bless the Founding Fathers! The 1788 Constitutional Conventions of the states reveal the legislative intent and legislative history about enumerated and unenumerated rights and freedoms, according to James Madison. Madison was a complete, recognizable authority of the Constitution in 1788. In 1789 Madison wrote what became the Bill of Rights.

The Virginia Constitutional Convention is the most complete record. A Bill of Rights came up in June 1788. Opponents of the Constitution used every argument to block the paper: Should there be a constitutional ratification conditioned on a Bill of Rights being adopted? Or should there be ratification plus recommended supplementary amendments? Madison did not like either proposal. He disengaged ratification from conditions, and he diminished the value of the subsequent amendments.

Enumerated and unenumerated rights were hot topics, cooled by the best judge/justice in America and in the English speaking world. Edmund Pendleton knew the American people were the sovereign and that every freedom and right could not be enumerated – too many situations, too many people living over a expanded land of liberty. Pendleton recommended the negative: “Declare the principle as more safe than the Enumeration.”

James Madison did so in the Ninth Amendment: “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”

Rights and freedoms enumerated in the Constitution stay with Americans, the sovereign. No Congress and not the Executive, and no Supreme Court justice can “deny or disparage” unenumerated rights “retained by the people.”

So boys and girls, study the 1788 Constitutional Conventions. Americans have enumerated and unenumerated rights. References follow:

10 Doc His of the Rat of the Constitution, Virginia, vol. 3, St His Soc of Wisconsin, Madison, 1993, June 24, 1788, p. 1520, Madison at ratifying convention: “If an enumeration be made of our rights, will it not be implied that everything omitted,
is given to the General Government? Has not the Honorable Gentleman [Patrick Henry] himself, admitted, that an imperfect enumeration is dangerous?” David John Mays, Ed., The Letters and Papers of Edmund Pendleton, Uni. Press of Virginia, Char., 1967, vol. 2, p. 533, Pendleton to Richard Henry Lee; Oliver Ellsworth, Landholder VI, 3 Doc His of the Rat of the Const, Connecticut, St His Soc of Ws, Madison, 1978, December 10, 1787, p. 481; PJM, vol. 10, Uni. Chi, Chicago, 1977, p. 315, 317, George Lee Tuberville to JM, December 11, 1787, make sure enumerated rights not listed not “surrendered.” House Annals, August 17, 1789, p. 783-784.

Next write another draft opinion and submit it to the sovereign, the American people, for their ratification.




Russia has shown how inept, incompetent and feeble it is. Supposedly, it has an army, brave men and women who have always been the backbone of Russia’s forces. But the army is neither trained nor supplied. Its generals are old and decrepit. Look at the guys in military uniforms standing behind Putin. They are not faces of experience, but of the elderly. Those old guys have neither the gumption to tell Put the real state of the Russian Army, nor have the capability to say anything. They appear to have dementia.

America toyed with elderly generals. General Marshall fired many of them before World War Two. Winfield Scott admitted he was too old to command Union forces during the Civil War. But Doug MacArthur never admitted anything for his blunders. He lied to troops under him; he lied to politicians. In 1944 MacArthur insisted on invading and “liberating” the Philippines, accomplished by the end of World War Two. How far were MacArthur’s forces in the Philippines from Japan? Three to Six thousand miles.

So the Russians have the slows in Ukraine. Democracies are united against Russia. Rich Russians are persona non-grata, and targets for many methods of mischief – from governments, or more likely criminals. Russia has the loyalty of puppet states like Cuba. Its failure on the battlefield shows how incapable Russia is. Russia is now about ready to follow a policy considered by Americans in Vietnam: We had to destroy Ukraine to save it.


Before the Ukrainian invasion, Putin went to China to confer with the Bigs there. It is possible that the Chinese gave the Russians a blank check, meaning the Russians could do whatever they wanted in Ukraine. Putin is trying to do whatever he wants.

However, the Ukrainians have show the Russians are paper tigers. That’s the first take away the Chinese have learned. How difficult will it be and how long will it take for the Chinese to reverse the Nineteenth Century Treaties imposed by the Russian Tsars on the government of China. The Chinese were forced to give away millions of acres in Asia.

But a bigger blank check: In The Sleepwalkers, Christopher Clark, the story is told how the French gave the Russians a blank check before World War One. The Russians gave a blank check to the Serbians. The British were oblivious. How well did that War turn out for Europe – Russia, France and Britain?

With their blank check from the Chinese, the Russians are threatening Nuclear War. Did the Chinese give the Russians a blank check to do that, because Putin’s army has the slows in Ukraine? The Chinese must tell the Russians – no blank check. Stop the nuclear threats.

That is in the Chinese interests. It is said the Chinese think about problems, years and decades in advance. If there is a nuclear war, that planning is gone. The future might be four hours. Time to break out those 100 year old bottles of wine. Everything that the Chinese have accomplished toward their goals will be gone: Whether the Chinese want it or not, that nation will be part of a general nuclear exchange. However many bomb shelters the Chinese have, no human being wants to live through decades of nuclear winter.

So China, stop the Russians from cashing your blank check.


Reading around the Internet and happening upon Real Clear Politics, History, was Taking Federalism Seriously “explaining the major themes that define the American mind.”

This article is Bogus and Bull. The articles relies on Alexis Tocqueville who toured the United States in the early 1830s and wrote a book, Democracy in America. Old Alexis was here 30 years before the American Civil War and 35 years before Amendments 13, 14, 15 were added to the American Constitution. On an institutional level Tocqueville knew American democracy and government, not. His book may be of sociological interest.

Amendments, 13, 14 and 15, changed federalism as Tocqueville or anyone observing earlier knew it. Anytime an amendment has a paragraph, usually at the end, providing, The Congress shall have the power to enforce by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article, federalism is weakened or eliminated and a grant of authority and power is given to the Federal government.

Real Clear Politics should stop deceiving itself and its readers.


“Who the hell elected you and put you in charge of what the media are allowed to report and what the American people are allowed to hear…?” asked TBC.

TEDDY-BOY CRUZ (TBC) does not believe in the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. TEDDY BOY CRUZ does not believe in the flag, free enterprise, capitalism and in the American way.

TBC is a senator from Texas. As Senator TBC is a member of Congress. What does the First Amendment of the Constitution state? “Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press…” Why is TBC, as a member of Congress, asking any questions? Why is TBC investigating? The Constitution states, “Congress shall make no laws…” End of questions. End of investigation. End of story.

See that TBC asked the witness why he had the power to determine what was posted? TBC forgets, and the reason he forgets is fat. I could have done without the witness with a nose ring and the goofy beard. But TBC is growing a very sketchy beard. What is TBC hiding behind that bush? I think it’s fat, and like all of Don Trump’s ardent supporters, TBC has become fat, dumb and happy. Indeed, much of TBC’s fat has gone to his brain.

TBC never made an investigation of any other media company. Of course, every media company has a right to post, or not to post, to broadcast or not to broadcast. Indeed, the sources of the information in question reeks of propaganda from Joseph Goebbels. It was initially printed in 

The New York Post, a common Goebbels outlet. No New York Post reporter wanted a by-line which means the story came straight from the Propaganda Ministry. [The publisher was so unimaginative that he failed to make up the name of a reporter and give a by-line.] Investigation into the facts of this material cannot substantiate events or a time-line. The human beings are alive, but nobody went to a Texas football game and rooted for the Russians.

Note under the First Amendment of the Constitution no one must publish anything. And no one has a right to have published erroneous, malicious and fake claims. The story might have been accepted if it had elements of humor. But the Nazis were humorless bastards, especially when the materials’ primary source is Rudy Guiliani. He is beyond humor, satire and parody. Saturday Night Live no longer bothers.

If Trump loses, will anyone ever speak to Rudy? There will be no book deals. Rudy is not the type of guy to kiss and tell. Roy Rogers wrote a very revealing book about Trigger. The Russians are finished with Rudy. Perhaps Roger Stone and other thugs Trump wants to pardon will say hello but nothing else. 

Given the background and the sources of the New York Post printing, Teddy Boy Cruz cannot demand anyone print falsehood and take news. Yet, TBC insists the media companies have done everything wrong! Like a Commie-Thug TBC wants lies and fake news published, BUT TBC has made no investment in those companies. He has no financial interest.

While worrying about falsities, falsies and fake news, TBC have not subpoenaed and questioned Rupert Murduch, Gauleiter of Fox News. Imagine Teddy Boy Cruz’s first question to Murdoch: “Wasn’t that a wonderful story this morning where Fox News ripped Hillary Clinton a new one?”

However, Fox News and Sports has not published anything that can be verified. For example, Fox News and Sports has never claimed that Don Trump is a better golfer than Barrick Obama.



This phenomenon is not new. Don Trump is a piker. Witness a list in S.I. Hayakawa, Language in Thought and Action, Chapter 2.  The author writes, 

Discrepancies between maps, and territories have been the subject matter

of comedy, satire, and general outbursts of moral judgment, throughout most human history….

Vilhjalmur Stefansson, The Standardization of Error (1927). How people

seem to prefer nonsense to fact – a witty and disturbing work.

Bergen Evans, The Natural History of Nonsense (1946). An amusing 

catalogue of errors, superstitions, and mistaken folk beliefs.

Martha Wolfenstein and Nathan Leites, Movies: A Psychological Study

(1950). A classic study of the ways in which movies create false maps

of reality in our heads.

Robert Lindner, The Fifty-Minute Hour (1955). Case studies of 

individuals with extremely distorted maps of reality. Many psychiatric

and psychological books in addition to those of Dr. Lindner provide 

examples of pathological fictious map-making.


April 5, 2020 The Los Angeles Times ran a front page story about wet markets in China and authorities not enforcing bans, much, allowing supplies to flow into human society. Law enforcement is not perfect in China. That State would put me in jail for writing that. However, supplies of bats (prime source for coronavirus), bear bile (from pandas?), and feces from many species of animals are sold. Those wholesome ingredients are used to concoct potions, magic powders, dime doses and secret sauces. Humm, humm, Good! There are cures for tummy ache, head ache and crotch rot.

I believed and hoped that when China had its 1949 revolution, scientific socialism of Karl Marx, Frederick Engels, V.I. Lenin and others did away with quaint remedies that had survived since prehistoric times. Many of these contents were removed from the civilized worlds millennia ago. The Arabs and other Semites were very good at identifying and using what was good for human beings. When witches used insect parts, eye of newt, fat of don, breath of rush, they were correctly burned at the stake.

But apparently not in China where market medicines are big business. It’s a bad, disgusting, dirty business. Can anyone in the world think of China when these practices are sanctioned and promoted: Money is to be made while everyone, everywhere, gets sick and some die.

In 1906 Upton Sinclair wrote about a man dropping into a vat of grinding meat in a plant. Americans were outraged. The National government created the Food and Drug Administration. I don’t know if my great-grandfather or my grandfather ate any of the meat processed at the plant described in The Jungle. It may be why I don’t feel well today. Sinclair always ran for Governor of California in 1934, as a socialist. He lost. Yet The Jungle endures.

Is it time for China to come into the Twenty-First Century, and end its support and sponsorship of prehistoric medicine?


Too little, too late

I’m late with this comment, but Trump at the Taj Mahal in India went beyond irony, into ridiculousness. He’s wandering around wondering, how did I get it so wrong.

It’s the same problem he has with the coronovirus. Too little, take credit for nothing done.The Chinese have been playing fast and loose with the facts around the new infection, and Trump and his Wall Street Big Wigs and Cronies have been repeating Chinese lies.

Remember Don, about games and infections, it ain’t over until it’s over.


To the people of IOWA, an acronym for I Owe the World an Apology,  please consider,


Bernie Sanders: He comes from Vermont. The remaining 49 states of the United States are foreign lands, and their people, especially New Yorkers, are foreigners. Witness a campaign surrogate, Michael Moore, who is rivaling Don Trump and Mike Pompeo for the Mr. Chunky 2020 title, free meals in every fast food restaurant in Iowa and New Hampshire in January and February 2020. Not everyone likes a fat man.

Joe Biden: Having been Vice President and a Senator, he seems equipped. Let’s hope he doesn’t turn out like Richard Nixon who had a similar resume.

Pete Buttigieg: Other than his last name which is impossible to pronounce at first glance, he’s the mayor from a small city in Indiana. His primary foreign policy exposure is dealing with Mike Pence. Little known and hardly recognized are skirmishes where Mike and Pete try to get the other deported for being an illegal alien. 

Elizabeth Warren: Her primary foreign policy experience is dealing with tribes of Native Americans, which once were Nations but most have mostly entered the world of gambling. A while back there was an unhappy disagreement between Senator Liz and the tribes, which no one wants to mention today. Lori Laughlin should be so fortunate.

Mike Bloomberg: He seems well-travelled, his face revealing the faults and worries of many continents. Flying on his private jet, he seldom mets the common man. However, nobody in diplomatic and foreign policy settings worries about the common man.

Andrew Yang: No one should blame Yang for the coronavirus or the flu, human or swine. I feel mine is a a minority position, the first minority I’ve been in. Yang has spoken against communicable diseases.

Amy Klobuchar: She has negotiating skills and has a reputation for getting stuff done, however small. In this day and age, those talents are dated. Who wants to get along with the Canadians or the Mexicans? Everyone knows to have a successful deal one must shoot first and learn whether negotiations are needed, afterward. Pres. Don has proven that approach with the North Koreans.

Who else is running for President as a Democrat? The woman from Hawaii? Hey, surf’s up! Other candidates have dropped out and have stopped paying their dues, so their foreign policy credentials have expired.